Software Vulnerability Research
Die beste Möglichkeit, in Sachen Offenlegung relevanter Softwareschwachstellen auf dem Laufenden zu bleiben
Verlassen Sie sich auf geprüfte Schwachstellen- und Bedrohungsdaten, um eine schnelle Erkennung zu gewährleisten, damit Sie reagieren können, bevor es zu spät ist
Software Vulnerability Research bietet Zugriff auf vertrauenswürdige Daten für über 55.000 Anwendungen, gibt zeitnah Warnungen vor potenziellen Risiken aus und ermöglicht es IT-Teams, mit Bedrohungen proaktiv umzugehen.
Verified, tested and validated by Secunia Research
Cover all applications and systems across all platforms
Flexera Software Vulnerability Research provides access to verified intelligence from Secunia Research. Concentrate on vulnerability research, alerts and news relating to the products that matter most.
React quicker
Simplify and prioritize remediation efforts
Receive advisories, alerts, tickets, reports and visibility into security patches and software vulnerability.
Vulnerability in context
Leverage risk context and information
Unlike public sources, Secunia Research provides associations of known exploits to the CVEs within an advisory for a product. Threat scores are set by severity of the threat posed quantified into categories of severity.
Take action efficiently
Mitigate the most critical and business-impacting threats first
Prioritization is driven by threat intelligence, workflows, tickets and alerts, and describes the steps to mitigate the risk of costly breaches. You stay in control and hackers stay out.
Stay in control
Gain coverage on all applications and systems
Access trusted software vulnerability research covering the most third-party applications on the market; provide timely alerts on potential risks and empower your IT team to manage proactively. Keep unplanned events such as security exposures down to a minimum and focus on executing your top business priorities.
Software Vulnerability Research Details
Vulnerability Intelligence across the IT estate
- Get security alerts covering the applications and systems you care about
- Discover details about how software vulnerabilities may affect you, including their solution status
- Focus on what matters most based upon criticality, likelihood of exploitation, software vulnerability score and more
- Comprehend the likelihood of vulnerabilities with easy-to-understand threat scores for each along with amplifying details
- React more quickly thanks to software vulnerability alerts provided within one day of public disclosure
- Automate notifications and the creation of support tickets to ensure you’re alerting the right people to take action
- Optionally leverage APIs to integrate this valuable data into internal systems and processes
Frequently asked questions
Software vulnerability is a structural or design flaw present in a software application that can be exploited by attackers to compromise the security and functionality of the system, network or data with which it interacts. To learn more, visit our glossary here.
Implementing a comprehensive strategy to mitigate software vulnerabilities and safeguard your organization can present a number of obstacles. Common challenges include: resource constraints, complexity of systems, third-party dependencies, legacy systems, time sensitivity, skills shortages and regulatory compliance. Click here to learn more.
Informing IT, Transforming IT
Industry insights to help keep you informed
Englisches Webinar
Stay protected: Understand and secure your IT estate
Flexera’s Mark Bradley, Jeroen Braak and Tyler Stanczak delve into the importance of gaining visibility into your IT estate and how to act against potential threats. They’ll discuss industry trends and how Flexera solutions can help you stay protected.
Englisches Webinar
Effektiveres Management von IT-Assets durch aussagekräftige Einblicke
Senken Sie Ihre Softwarekosten, minimieren Sie das Risiko durch Sicherheitslücken und verlagern Sie die Kosten für die manuelle Datenerfassung auf andere strategische Geschäftsinitiativen. In diesem Webinar erfahren Sie, wie Sie aussagekräftige Einblicke nutzen können, um Ihren IT-Bestand besser zu verwalten.
Englisches Webinar
Webinar zum State of IT Visibility Report 2021 von Flexera
Seien Sie dabei, wenn wir den ersten State of IT Visibility Report 2021 von Flexera vorstellen, der das Geschehen in der Informationstechnologie im Detail thematisiert.
SAM-as-a-Service: Komplexität vs. Simplizität – So lassen sich hybride IT-Infrastrukturen einfach managen
Schutz vor Softwareschwachstellen dank IT-Transparenz
Sie brauchen einen umfassenden Überblick über Ihren IT-Bestand, um Softwareschwachstellen zu beheben. Erfahren Sie, wie Sie durch Transparenz, das Erfassen der richtigen Daten und deren laufende Aktualisierung in einer hybriden IT-Landschaft erfolgreich sein können.
Optimierte Bewertung von Schwachstellen leicht gemacht
Know more than the hackers know
By proactively guiding prioritization and automating key processes, Flexera can help you close vulnerabilities before they develop.